For the last 8-10 years I’ve chosen a word of the year. I’ll study the word, use it in my art journals, while looking up the definition, bible verses and synonyms for it. In the past, I’ve used words like strength, thrive and brave, For some reason the word abandon just came to me this year. It’s kind of an unusual word when you think about it. It can be used in different ways; like to abandon something, to leave it behind and never return to it or a far more pleasant meaning, to do something with complete abandon, with exuberance, which implies a sense of freedom. Am I to abandon certain habits, fears and thought patterns? Or create with abandon? I look forward to watching how this word unfolds this year.
So far 2023 has had a very rough start for our family. On New Years Eve, our sweet, 7 year old, Golden Retriever Sadie got very sick. The next few days were filled with trips between the animal hospital and emergency vet clinic, followed closely by a flurry of bills, tears and difficult decisions. On January 4th we made the unthinkable, horrible, but necessary decision to have her put to sleep. We are all devastated. The very next morning my husband had surgery which turned out to be a bit more extensive than any of us had planned. His recovery has been difficult, especially paired with the profound sense of loss we all feel without our Sadie being a part of our every day lives.
So here we are entering the second week of January with a bit of trepidation. What will the rest of this year bring? The word abandon is echoing through my mind. How will this word play a part in my life this year? What will it mean? Why was it given to me? I guess that remains to be seen. Thank you for joining me here as I ramble. I hope you’ll consider choosing a word of the year and be open to whatever mysteries and messages that word hold for you. May your 2023 be blessed!